Whitt Smith, Lake Fork Fishing guide (972-743-2046) passes along the following tip on how he and his clients are catching bass...
"The Jika Rig (pronounced- “Zee-ka”), originating from Japan, comes through heavy timber & brush piles here on Lake Fork, extremely well. Additionally, it gives any attached soft plastic bait great freedom of movement. We have caught some Giant bass from Lake Fork timber on this Rig using big worms, including the one in my profile photo. Craws are another great bait to use on this Rig. This Rig is snag resistant in big rock, too. Here is all you need to do. Attach a split ring to a Heavy wire EWG Hook, attach a split ring to a bass casting weight or a slimmer barrel style weight. Then join the split rings together. Tie your Fluorocarbon line to the split ring attached directly to the hook, thread on your soft plastic bait and get after ‘em. I like to assemble several ahead of time and place in a small box. I hope this helps you catch some Hawgs."
The bass' favorite worm rigging and color is ... V&M J-Mag 10” Worm in Plum Apple or Red Bug on 20# Fluorocarbon in timber,